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Alan's Special Operations Group

Do you like Alan’s novels? Do you think Pete Maddox kicks some serious bad guy ass? How would you like to be part of my SOG (Special Operations Group)?

SOG… what?

So what exactly is SOG? SOG stands for Special Operations Group. The CIA’s SOG is a super secret clandestine service that kicks some serious butt. Alan’s SOG is a super secret group of readers of Alan Petersen’s book and fans of Pete Maddox.

Okay, so what’s in it for members of SOG?

Membership is 100% free. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to help me spread the word worldwide on the adventures of Pete Maddox. What’s in it for you? Good question. Here are a few perks only available to members of Alan’s SOG:

  • You'll be the first to know about new novels from Alan Petersen
  • You'll be getting special promotions, gifts, and other cool things that only members of SOG will receive
  • You'll get early access to a lot of cool stuff (videos, book trailers, behind the scenes stuff, and more)
  • You'll get a chance to receive ARCs (Advance Review Copies) of Alan's books, before they're published!

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