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OIJ Anthem Video

OIJ Anthem Video GRINGO GULCH is the first book in the Elijah Shaw OIJ-FBI Thriller Series. Book Description To every light, there must also be a dark side, even in a tropical paradise. No one ever mentions that it’s not only just good & sane people attracted to...

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The Ideal Blog Post

The Ideal Blog Post

Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet gummi bears. Chocolate cake jelly topping lollipop. Wafer tart pastry sweet roll tart halvah. Fruitcake tart macaroon. Lemon drops soufflé apple pie. I love gummies cheesecake bear claw biscuit. Dessert biscuit tart...

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The Ideal Blog Post

The Ideal Blog Post

Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet gummi bears. Chocolate cake jelly topping lollipop. Wafer tart pastry sweet roll tart halvah. Fruitcake tart macaroon. Lemon drops soufflé apple pie. I love gummies cheesecake bear claw biscuit. Dessert biscuit tart...

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The Ideal Blog Post

The Ideal Blog Post

Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet gummi bears. Chocolate cake jelly topping lollipop. Wafer tart pastry sweet roll tart halvah. Fruitcake tart macaroon. Lemon drops soufflé apple pie. I love gummies cheesecake bear claw biscuit. Dessert biscuit tart...

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Latest Author Interviews

Latest Author Interviews

Author interviews are fun. As a fan of the genre, I enjoyed when my favorite authors were interviewed or discovering a new book to read via an interview. That's one of the reasons I chose to write thrillers because it is my favorite genre to read. So when I decided to...

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New Book Cover for She’s Gone

New Book Cover for She’s Gone

In yesterday's blog post I revealed the new book cover for She's Gone. I also explained the reason I decided to redesign the book cover for She's Gone a year after it was published. The e-book cover was completed but I just received the proof copy for the paperback...

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Book Cover Redesign

Book Cover Redesign

Book cover resign is a touchy subject for authors and publishers. It's looking at the book cover from strictly a business/marketing perspective and decide if the book cover best represents its genre.I decided to re-design the book cover for Those were the factors I...

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Thriller Author Interviews

Thriller Author Interviews

Thriller Author Interviews For the last few months, I've been interviewing fellow thriller authors for my podcast, "Meet the Thriller Author" (link to podcast). I have met wonderful authors, and it's been a lot of fun to see what motivates other writers to write,...

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YouTube Copyright Claim and Royalty Free Music

YouTube Copyright Claim and Royalty Free Music

You learn something new every day, especially in the world of publishing and copyrights. I purchased Royalty Free Music (you pay a one time fee and so you don’t owe royalties to the copyright holder) to use in the “She’s Gone” book trailer. You can watch and hear it...

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Paperback Version of She’s Gone

Paperback Version of She’s Gone

Good news for readers that prefer a printed book versus a digital ebook... I just received the proof copy of the paperback format of "She's Gone" and it looks great! I've just approved it, so it should be available as a paperback on Amazon and Barnes and Noble in 3-5...

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