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The Secret CIA Museum

The Secret CIA Museum

Inside the best museum you’ve never seen: [youtube id=”O7_LrxufJM0″ width=”600″ height=”350″ autoplay=”no” api_params=””] Unfortunately it’s not open to the public and most artifacts aren’t...
She’s Gone Available in August

She’s Gone Available in August

It’s been a long time coming, and my apologies for the long delay! But my second novel (second in my Pete Maddox series) will finally be available on Amazon in August. Pete Maddox and Sonia Collins are back, and this time, Maddox will use his skills to track...
Kindle Ebook Public Library Borrowing

Kindle Ebook Public Library Borrowing

I’ve seen ebooks available from my public library but I hadn’t tried to borrow one until now. It’s pretty slick and what really amazed me… once I entered my library card ID and selected Kindle ebook for my format, I was instantly redirected to Amazon...
My Dog the Cone Head

My Dog the Cone Head

My poor dog had something funky going on in her left eye, so I had to take her to the vet today. The vet took a look and asked me if I walk the dog, I do, so she thought it might be a “fox tail” which is a small weed that is all over the place in...
What I read in Bali

What I read in Bali

As I mentioned before, I was vacationing for 12 days in beautiful Bali, Indonesia. The one drawback of vacationing in a country on the other side of the world is the travel time to get there. Over 13 hours from San Francisco to Taipei, Taiwan then another five plus...
Back from Bali (Vacation/Writing Retreat)

Back from Bali (Vacation/Writing Retreat)

My wife and I went on a fantastic vacation to beautiful Bali, Indonesia. She was excited to attend a Yoga retreat, but since I’m not a Yogi, I figured while she was doing her Yoga stuff, I would write. She usually did Yoga from 7:00-9:00 AM and then from...